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Southmere Primary Academy

Very efficient, quick to reply to any questions we had, very thorough and knowledgeable and would highly recommend and will work with Ocelot again.

Colette Jagger


Business Manager

Placeholder Company

Placeholder Company
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Jane Doe


Managing Director

Southmere Primary Academy

Very efficient, quick to reply to any questions we had, very thorough and knowledgeable and would highly recommend and will work with Ocelot again.

Colette Jagger


Business Manager

Leeds College of Building

Tom completed a fire strategy for one of our buildings. He is not only knowledgeable and thorough, but is easy to work with and always willing to take the time to discuss my concerns and respond to any questions. I would, without hesitation, recommend Tom for his fire safety services.

Joanna Meadows


HSE Advisor

Parklands Medical Practice

Tom has been very helpful and flexible in getting our up to date fire risk assessment sorted on our recently renovated building. Very practical and focused on safety rather than just ticking boxes. Feels like they work to understand the business so can concentrate on our actual risks. Would highly recommend.

Fiona Purdie


Business Manager